Rockwell Automation 8520 9/Series CNC Integration Maintenance Manual Documentation Set User Manual

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9/Series Integration and Maintenance Manual



Push-Button MTB Panel I/O Module, 10A-16

Push--Button MTB Panel I/O Module, 9A-33

Removable operator panel, 9A-16

Noise, Reducing, 2A-8
Noise, Electrical, 7C-10
Noise, Prevention Measures, 7C-1


Offline Development System (ODS), 1B-15
On/Off Control Assembly, 9/440 CNC, 5A-29, 5B-30
On/Off Power Control Module, 9/440 System (dimensions), 2B-10
Online Search Monitor, 15A-4
Operator Interface, 1B-1, 1B-8
Operator Interface Components, 1B-8
Operator Messages, B-1
Operator Panel, 9A-1

brightness adjust, 9A-12


Dimensions, 2B-13

Dimensions of Cut--Out, 2B-12

Connectors and Pin Assignments, 9A-4


Dimensions, 2B-11

Dimensions of Cut--Out, 2B-12

power supply module, 9A-7

Operator Panel, Removable

connecting to interface, 9A-21

installation, 9A-14

interface assembly, 9A-15

interface cable, 9A-22

multiple locations, 9A-23

node address, 9A-16

power supply, 9A-19

video connection, 9A-18

Operator Panels, Installing, 2A-10
Operator, search PAL, 15A-8
Optional Feedback, encoder connection to 9/440 CNC, 5A-14,


Optional Feedback Module

Connectors and Pin Assignments, 4B-18

Jumper (JP1), 4B-21

Power Requirements, 4B-17

Replacing, 15B-43

Variable Resistors (Pots), 4B-22

Options, Servo Amplifiers, digital, 13A-2
Options, Servo Motor, digital, 13A-24

Output, Connection to Digital I/O, 10A-19


PAL, with 1746 analog I/O, 10A-59
PAL, Monitor, 15A-4

adjusting view, 15A-10


forground, 15A-8

hotkey, 15A-11

search types, 15A-8

Symbol Comments, 15A-10

timer displays, 15A-10

wildcard search, 15A-9

PAL, Offline, 1B-16
Peripherals, 8-15
Peripherals, RS--232--C Communications, 8-1
Peripherals, RS--422--A Communications, 8-6
Port A, 9/440 CNC, 5A-9, 5B-9
Port B, 9/440 CNC, 5A-9, 5B-9
Power Connection, 9/440 CNC, 5A-28, 5B-29
Power Distribution, 9/230 systems, 3B-1
Power Fuse, replacing on Digital and Analog I/O, 15B-52
Power Requirements, Push-Button MTB I/O, 10A-12
Power Supply

1746 I/O, 10A-52

9/230 PS2, 3B-2

operator panel, 9A-7

removable operator panel, 9A-19

Power Supply Connection, Digital I/O, 10A-19
Power Supply Specifications, High Density I/O, 10A-38
Power SupplyModule, Main, 3A-7, 4A-10
Power Up Procedures, Initial, 14A-1
Probe, connection to 9/440 CNC, 5A-20, 5B-21
Processor Board, 3A-2

9/440 CNC, 5A-6, 5B-6

Processor Board, Main, 4A-3
Processor Board, Sub, Board Fault Indicators, 3A-5, 4A-8
Processor, 9/240 Main, 1B-1, 1B-6, 1B-7
Programmable Application Logic (PAL), 1B-16
Protective Grounding, 9/230 systems, 3B-9
Protocol RS--491 Level I, 8-9

Data Receiving Sequence, 8-9

Data Transmitting Sequence, 8-10