Rockwell Automation 8520 9/Series CNC Integration Maintenance Manual Documentation Set User Manual

Page 697

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Integrating a Split Axis with Deskew

Section 14B


The start up procedure for a split axis requires that both servos be tested

separately. This means mechanically disconnecting the drive train of both

servos and temporarily redefining them as independent axes in AMP. This

can be done by setting the master and slave servo names in the AMP

Deskew parameter group to “none”. Remember, AMP changes can be

made either in ODS or through Patch AMP.
Once you have disconnected and redefined the split axis servo motors,

perform the Initial Control and Servo Start Up Procedures starting on

page 14A-1.

ATTENTION: Do not perform any homing operations during

this start up procedure. Special homing considerations are

given in the following section.

At step 18. of the start up procedure (on page 14A-6) you are instructed to

complete the homing marker alignment if you are working on a split axis.

At that point, return to the alignment procedure starting on page 14B-3 of

this section. After you complete the marker alignment, you can return to

step 19. (on page 14A-6) and complete the start up procedure.

To assure that minimal skew exists between servos of a split axis it is

imperative that as small amount of skew as possible exists after the axes

are homed. Once homed with minimal skew, the control can make sure the

master and slave servo’s positions relative to each other remains constant.

This requires that both servos of a split axis return to the same repeatable

home position.

ATTENTION: Do not attempt to perform this procedure until

the normal start up procedure has been started as discussed in

the previous section.

At this point, you should have completed through step 18. of the start up

procedure in 14A-6. You should have mechanically reconnected both

servo motors to the axis and redefined those servos as master and slave

using the AMP Deskew parameters.

Both servos of a split axis home off of the same single home switch. The

homing sequence is almost the same for an axis with deskew as it is for a

single servo axis. The axis moves to the switch, stops, moves off of the

switch in the AMP specified direction, stops again, and then moves to the

nearest encoder null marker.


Split Axis

Start up Procedure


Split Axis

Marker Alignment