Enabling irdp globally, Enabling irdp on an individual port – Brocade TurboIron 24X Series Configuration Guide User Manual

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Brocade TurboIron 24X Series Configuration Guide


Configuring IP parameters – Layer 3 Switches

Some types of hosts use the Router Solicitation messages to discover their default gateway. When
IRDP is enabled on the Layer 3 Switch, the Layer 3 Switch responds to the Router Solicitation
messages. Some clients interpret this response to mean that the Layer 3 Switch is the default
gateway. If another router is actually the default gateway for these clients, leave IRDP disabled on
the Layer 3 Switch.

IRDP uses the following parameters. If you enable IRDP on individual ports instead of enabling the
feature globally, you can configure these parameters on an individual port basis:

Packet type – The Layer 3 Switch can send Router Advertisement messages as IP broadcasts
or as IP multicasts addressed to IP multicast group The packet type is IP broadcast.

Maximum message interval and minimum message interval – When IRDP is enabled, the
Layer 3 Switch sends the Router Advertisement messages every 450 – 600 seconds by
default. The time within this interval that the Layer 3 Switch selects is random for each
message and is not affected by traffic loads or other network factors. The random interval
minimizes the probability that a host will receive Router Advertisement messages from other
routers at the same time. The interval on each IRDP-enabled Layer 3 Switch interface is
independent of the interval on other IRDP-enabled interfaces. The default maximum message
interval is 600 seconds. The default minimum message interval is 450 seconds.

Hold time – Each Router Advertisement message contains a hold time value. This value
specifies the maximum amount of time the host should consider an advertisement to be valid
until a newer advertisement arrives. When a new advertisement arrives, the hold time is reset.
The hold time is always longer than the maximum advertisement interval. Therefore, if the
hold time for an advertisement expires, the host can reasonably conclude that the router
interface that sent the advertisement is no longer available. The default hold time is three
times the maximum message interval.

Preference – If a host receives multiple Router Advertisement messages from different
routers, the host selects the router that sent the message with the highest preference as the
default gateway. The preference can be a number from 0-4294967296 to 0-4294967295.
The default is 0.

Enabling IRDP globally

To globally enable IRDP, enter the following command.

TurboIron(config)#ip irdp

This command enables IRDP on the IP interfaces on all ports. Each port uses the default values for
the IRDP parameters. The parameters are not configurable when IRDP is globally enabled.

Enabling IRDP on an individual port

To enable IRDP on an individual interface and change IRDP parameters, enter commands such as
the following.

TurboIron(config)#interface ethernet 3

TurboIron(config-if-3)#ip irdp maxadvertinterval 400

This example shows how to enable IRDP on a specific port and change the maximum
advertisement interval for Router Advertisement messages to 400 seconds.


To enable IRDP on individual ports, you must leave the feature globally disabled.