Brocade TurboIron 24X Series Configuration Guide User Manual
Page 236

Brocade TurboIron 24X Series Configuration Guide
Configuring LLDP
DOCSIS cable device
Station only (devices that implement end station capability)
System capabilities for devices are based on the type of software image in use (e.g., Layer 2 switch
or Layer 3 router). The enabled capabilities will be the same as the available capabilities, except
that when using a router image (base or full Layer 3), if the global route-only feature is turned on,
the bridge capability will not be included, since no bridging takes place.
By default, the system capabilities are automatically advertised when LLDP is enabled on a global
basis. To disable this advertisement, enter a command such as the following.
TurboIron(config)#no lldp advertise system-capabilities ports e 4 to 12
The system capabilities will appear similar to the following on the remote device, and in the CLI
display output on the device (show lldp local-info).
System capabilities : bridge
Enabled capabilities: bridge
Syntax: [no] lldp advertise system-capabilities ports ethernet
System description
The system description is the network entity, which can include information such as the product
name or model number, the version of the system hardware type, the software operating system
level, and the networking software version. The information corresponds to the sysDescr MIB
object in MIB-II.
To advertise the system description, enter a command such as the following.
TurboIron(config)#lldp advertise system-description ports e 4 to 12
The system description will appear similar to the following on the remote device, and in the CLI
display output on the device (show lldp local-info).
+ System description : "Brocade Communications, Inc.,TI24X, IronWare Version
04.0.00b256T3e1 Compiled on Sep 04 2007 at 0\
3:54:29 labeled as SXS04000b256"
The contents of the show command output will vary depending on which TLVs are configured to be
Syntax: [no] lldp advertise system-description ports ethernet
System name
The system name is the system administratively assigned name, taken from the sysName MIB
object in MIB-II. The sysName MIB object corresponds to the name defined with the CLI command
By default, the system name is automatically advertised when LLDP is enabled on a global basis.
To disable this advertisement, enter a command such as the following.
TurboIron(config)#no lldp advertise system-name ports e 4 to 12
The system name will appear similar to the following on the remote device, and in the CLI display
output on the device (show lldp local-info).
System name: “TurboIron”