Mrp cli example – Brocade TurboIron 24X Series Configuration Guide User Manual

Page 330

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Brocade TurboIron 24X Series Configuration Guide


Metro Ring Protocol (MRP)

MRP CLI example

The following examples show the CLI commands required to implement the MRP configuration
shown in

Figure 17

on page 290.


For simplicity, the figure shows the VLANs on only two switches. The CLI examples implement the
ring on all four switches.

Ring interfaces

The device two interfaces with the ring.
NOTE: If the interfaces are trunk groups, only the primary ports of the

groups are listed.

Interface role

The interface role can be one of the following:


Master node – The interface generates RHPs.

Member node – The interface forwards RHPs received on the
other interface (the secondary interface).

secondary – The interface does not generate RHPs.

Master node – The interface listens for RHPs.

Member node – The interface receives RHPs.

Forwarding state

Whether MRP Forwarding is enabled on the interface. The forwarding
state can be one of the following:

blocking – The interface is blocking Layer 2 data traffic and RHPs

disabled – The interface is down

forwarding – The interface is forwarding Layer 2 data traffic and

preforwarding – The interface is listening for RHPs but is blocking
Layer 2 data traffic

Active interface

The physical interfaces that are sending and receiving RHPs.
NOTE: If a port is disabled, its state is shown as “disabled”.
NOTE: If an interface is a trunk group, only the primary port of the group

is listed.

Interface Type

Shows if the interface is a regular port or a tunnel port.

RHPs sent

The number of RHPs sent on the interface.
NOTE: This field applies only to the master node. On non-master nodes,

this field contains 0. This is because the RHPs are forwarded in
hardware on the non-master nodes.

RHPs rcvd

The number of RHPs received on the interface.
NOTE: On most devices, this field applies only to the master node. On

non-master nodes, this field contains 0. This is because the
RHPs are forwarded in hardware on the non-master nodes.

TC RHPs rcvd

The number of Topology Change RHPs received on the interface. A
Topology Change RHP indicates that the ring topology has changed.

State changes

The number of MRP interface state changes that have occurred. The
state can be one of the states listed in the Forwarding state field.

Interface Type

Shows if the interface is a regular port or a tunnel port.


CLI display of MRP ring information (Continued)

This field...
