Brocade TurboIron 24X Series Configuration Guide User Manual
Page 46

Brocade TurboIron 24X Series Configuration Guide
Using the management port
TurboIron(config-if-mgmt)#ip addr
TurboIron(config)#show running-config interface management 1
interface management 1
ip address 10.44.9/64
To display the current configuration, use the show interfaces management command.
Syntax: show interfaces management <num>
TurboIron(config)#show interfaces management 1
GigEthernetmgmt1 is up, line protocol is up
Hardware is GigEthernet, address is 0000.0076.544a (bia 0000.0076.544a)
Configured speed auto, actual 1Gbit, configured duplex fdx, actual fdx
Configured mdi mode AUTO, actual none
BPRU guard is disabled, ROOT protect is disabled
Link Error Dampening is Disabled
STP configured to OFF, priority is level0, mac-learning is enabled
Flow Control is config disabled, oper enabled
Mirror disabled, Monitor disabled
Not member of any active trunks
Not member of any configured trunks
No port name
IPG MII 0 bits-time, IPG GMII 0 bits-time
IP MTU 1500 bytes
300 second input rate: 83728 bits/sec, 130 packets/sec, 0.01% utilization
300 second output rate: 24 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec, 0.00% utilization
39926 packets input, 3210077 bytes, 0 no buffer
Received 4353 broadcasts, 32503 multicasts, 370 unicasts
0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 ignored
0 runts, 0 giants
22 packets output, 1540 bytres, 0 underruns
Transmitted 0 broadcasts, 6 multicasts, 16 unicasts
0 output errors, 0 collisions
To display the management interface information in brief form, enter the show interfaces brief
management command.
Syntax: show interfaces brief management <num>
TurboIron#show interfacde brief management 1
To display management port statistics, enter the show statistics management command.
Syntax: show statistics management <num>