Exporting to an xdcam recorder, P 436 – Grass Valley EDIUS Pro v.6.5 User Manual
Page 458

Export of Edited Contents
EDIUS - Reference Manual
Metadata, such as the created by and capture information, can be imported from another P2 clip. Click [Load
Metadata] and select the XML file to be imported.
• If there is no more free space in the export destination, or if the clip consists of a file size that exceeds 4 GB, it
will be split up before export.
If [Automatically select the next card when card is full.] is checked, when the clip is split, a P2 card drive that has
free space will be selected automatically and exported to. If it is unchecked, when the clip is split, a dialog box
will appear to select the export destination.
• If exporting at 720p, the export frames must be even frames. If a confirmation message appears, select a
processing method.
• If a DVCPRO HD export format and the settings content for an EDIUS project preset differ, the export data will
be stretched before export so that the frame rate and the field order correspond to each other.
Exporting to an XDCAM Recorder
With the XDCAM exporter you can output a project as an MXF file, and upload it to an XDCAM device or FTP server.
MXF files can also be exported to the PC hard disk.
To export to an FTP server, have the connection destination set in advance in system settings.
1 Click [XDCAM] in the [Print to File] dialog box category tree.
Exporting Files with an Exporter
2 Select an exporter, and click [Export].
Select from [XDCAM DV], [XDCAM HD], [XDCAM HD 422], [XDCAM HD 720P] or [XDCAM MPEG IMX] for the project
image size.
Exporters that do not support the project settings will not be displayed.
3 Set the export destination, clip name, etc., and click [OK].
The setting items will differ depending on the exporter.
If [XDCAM HD] has been selected.
Select whether to export to an XDCAM drive, to an FTP server, or to the
desired folder on the PC.
If [XDCAM Drive] was selected, select a Drive from the list.
If [FTP] was selected, check the server to be exported to and, as necessary,
check the item described below.
If [Folder] was selected, click [Select] and specify a save destination.
[Upload to FTP after exporting file.]
Check this item to export a temporary file to the project folder, and then
upload the actual data to an FTP server. After outputting the temporary file, if
an error occurs during transfer to the FTP server or if the upload is aborted,
the temporary file will not be deleted.
[Clip Name]
Set the file name to be exported.
If [XDCAM Drive] or [FTP] is selected as the export destination, [Auto (C****)]
will become enabled. If it is checked, a file name will be added automatically.
To set a preferred file name, remove the check from [Auto (C****)] and enter
a name in [Clip Name]. (“Clip Naming” must be set as “Free” on the XDCAM
drive side.)
If [Folder] is selected as the export destination, enter a clip name.
[Segment Encode]
Check this item to export a clip of a raw source without re-encoding. This
increases the output speed.
[Bit Rate]
Select a bitrate from the list.
Select a quality.
Check this item not to use the B-picture at the GOP border as reference
across GOPs. Although the amount of data increases, the video can be
re-edited using software that supports GOP-based editing, as the information
is completed within each GOP.