Correcting the camera shake, Stabilizer, Video stabilizer] dialog box – Grass Valley EDIUS Pro v.6.5 User Manual
Page 355: Adjusting video drift in stereoscopic clips, Stereoscopic adjuster, Adjusting video drift in stereoscopic, Clips, P333

Setting Effects
EDIUS - Reference Manual
Correcting the Camera Shake
Correct the camera shake by image processing.
1 In the folder view of the [Effect] palette, click the [Video Filter] tree and display the filters.
2 Drag and drop [Stabilizer] to the clip on the timeline.
Analysis of the video motion of the clip starts in the background.
[Background Job]
• Select a clip on the timeline. Select [Stabilizer] in the [Effect] palette, and click [Add to Timeline].
• Select a clip on the timeline. Right-click [Stabilizer] in the [Effect] palette, and click [Add to Timeline].
• Select [Stabilizer] in the [Effect] palette, right-drag it to the clip on the timeline, and click [Add] or [Replace].
3 Play back a clip to check the video.
For the part where analysis is completed, the camera shake correction is performed on the spot during playback.
Change the camera correction setting after step 4, if necessary.
4 Display the [Information] palette, and double-click [Stabilizer].
The [Video Stabilizer] dialog box appears.
[Video Stabilizer] Dialog Box
5 Configure the settings and click [OK].
[Video Stabilizer] Dialog Box
Adjusting Video Drift in Stereoscopic Clips
[Stereoscopic Adjuster]
Adjust drift between the video of the L and R sides of the stereoscopic clip.
Move the slider to adjust the smoothness level of the video motion.
Items set to [Off] are not corrected.
Adjust correction level for vertical and horizontal shake.
Adjust correction level for zoom-in and zoom-out shake.
Adjust correction level for rotation shake.
Adjust correction level for perspective shake.
[Rolling Shutter]
Adjust correction level for distortion of the rolling shutter.
[Auto Trimming]
Check this item to enlarge the video automatically in order not to make a gap
at the edge of the video after correcting the video.
You can also enter a value for enlargement factor.
Display the corrected video on the entire screen or at the left/right/upper/
lower screen, and compare with the original video. Click the button to select
where to display the video.
You can enter a value for the ratio to display the corrected video against the
entire screen.