Control area settings, Showing/hiding alpha channel, P134 – Grass Valley EDIUS Pro v.6.5 User Manual

Page 156: Displaying preview window in, Stereoscopic edit mode

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Edit Settings


EDIUS - Reference Manual

Control Area Settings

You can set the display item or the size of the timecode/shuttle/slider/buttons.

(1) Shuttle
(2) Timecode
(3) Slider
(4) Button

1 Click [Settings] on the menu bar, and click [User Settings].
The [User Settings] dialog box appears.

2 Click the [User Interface] tree, and click [Control].

3 Set each item.

4 Click [OK].
You can continue to set other items by clicking [Apply].

Switching the Screen Display when Stopping Playback

You can switch the display of the preview window to each field when playback is stopped.

1 Click [View] on the menu bar, and click [Pause Field]

display method.

Showing/Hiding Alpha Channel

Turn the video with alpha channel to gray scale and display in the preview window.

1 Click [View] on the menu bar, and click [Show Alpha Channel].

Displaying Preview Window in Stereoscopic Edit Mode

You can switch the preview window display in the stereoscopic edit mode.

[Show Timecode]

Check the timecode items to display in the preview window, and set their


Set the show/hide setting for the shuttle and slider in the preview window.


Set the show/hide setting and the size of the operation buttons on the
preview window.

