Searching by the simple search bar, Points to be checked before importing sources – Grass Valley EDIUS Pro v.6.5 User Manual
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Importing Sources
EDIUS - Reference Manual
Searching by the Simple Search Bar
Clips are searched for by the simple search bar in the source browser in the same way as in the bin.
Searching by the Simple Search Bar
Copying and Importing Files in External Devices that Interact
with Source Browser
To import files saved on external devices in which file-based video or audio is recorded (e.g. CD/DVD, AVCHD camera,
removable media such as SD memory card, XDCAM EX device) to EDIUS, perform from the source browser.
Sources imported from the source browser are registered to the current folder on the bin at the same time that they are
transferred to hard disk on the PC.
You can set the transfer destination used when importing files by clicking [Application] in [System Settings]
[Source Browser].
Points to Be Checked before Importing Sources
Source files can be imported easily in the source browser from CD/DVD/AVCHD camera/removable media/XDCAM
EX/GF/Infinity/P2/XDCAM/XF devices. Files can be checked immediately or transferred in the background by simply
connecting a device or drive to your PC and inserting the storage media.
Importing Sources from XDCAM EX Devices
Importing Stereoscopic Sources
When importing XDCAM sources or K2 sources via the FTP server, set the FTP server connection settings in the
system settings in advance to import sources easily from the source browser.
Importing K2 Sources from a Server
Importing XDCAM Sources from a Server
Downloading XDCAM Sources and Simultaneously Placing Them on the Timeline
K2 sources copied to the hard disk on the PC can be converted to MXF files using the source browser.
Converting and Importing K2 Sources on the PC
[Video info] tab
Check the start TC (timecode) and end TC, or image size, poster frame,
aspect ratio, color correspondence range, field order, codec, frame rate, and
other information.
[Stereoscopic info] tab
If a clip is not a stereoscopic clip, divide a clip to handle it as a stereoscopic
Handling Non-Stereoscopic Clips as Stereoscopic Clips
[Audio info] tab
Check the start and end TCs, re-acquire wave information (waveform
representation of audio), and check the playback settings.
[Still image info] tab
Check the format or image size, duration, aspect ratio, and color
correspondence range.