Sending qc results automatically, Recalling qc data, Leveyćjennings charts – Bayer HealthCare Rapidlab 800 User Manual
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Rapidlab 800 Operator's Manual
Sending QC Results Automatically
The system can automatically transmit QC results to an LIS or a data management
system when analysis is complete. Refer to Selecting Automatic Transmission of
QC Results in Section 5 to use this option.
Recalling QC Data
You can view, edit, print, and transmit stored QC data using the recall option. You
can search for the data by file number, lot, level, analysis date, and analysis time.
You can view and print the following QC data:
S individual QC sample reports
S Levey-Jennings charts
S statistical summary reports
Refer to Recalling QC Data in Section 2.
You can recall QC data for the previous month before you analyze the first QC
sample of the current month. After you analyze the first QC sample of the current
month, you can view the previous month’s QC data by archiving the previous
month’s QC data and viewing the archived QC data. Refer to Archiving QC Data
and Viewing Archived QC Data in Section 5.
LeveyĆJennings Charts
The 800 system provides Levey-Jennings charts, which are visual representations
of QC performance. Levey-Jennings charts allow rapid detection of results that fall
outside the established QC limits. Additionally, Levey-Jennings charts let you
observe trends or shifts in QC values, which may signal system performance
problems, even when the actual values fall within the established limits.
Refer to Viewing and Printing Levey-Jennings Charts in Section 2 to view and
print Levey-Jennings charts for the current month’s QC data.
You can view and print Levey-Jennings charts for the previous month before you
analyze the first QC sample of the current month. After you analyze the first QC
sample of the current month, you can print the previous month’s Levey-Jennings
charts only by archiving the previous month’s QC data and then printing
Levey-Jennings charts of the archived QC data. Refer to Archiving QC Data and
Viewing Archived QC Data in Section 5.