Bayer HealthCare Rapidlab 800 User Manual
Page 690

800 Series Operator's Manual
bicarbonate ion, I-25
biohazards, 2-3
meaning of warning, xviii
protecting yourself from, A-1
waste disposal, 1-38
detecting before measurement, 2-3
detecting during measurement, 2-4
effect on results, 2-4
Bubbles Detected in Sample, 4-114
Bubbles Detected In Sample message, 2-32, 4-6
Busy Icon, meaning of, 1-31
Cal G/L reagent
active ingredients, 1-40
handling and preparing, 1-43 to 1-45
intended use, 1-41 to 1-43
removing (illustration), 3-20
replacing, 3-20 to 3-22
storing, 1-42
Cal Gas, 1-44
composition, 3-92
Cal Intervals screen, 5-61
calcium, sensor, I-18
calcium, ionized, measuring, I-17
Calibrate key, 1-26
interrupting metabolite, 2-60
reporting results with drift, 5-40
calibration data
printing, 2-62, 2-63
recalling, 2-61 to 2-66
transmitting, 2-62, 2-63
Calibration Data Search Log screen, 2-62
Calibration Data Search Result screen, 2-63
Calibration Drift Limits screen, 5-58
Calibration Gas Values screen, 5-59
calibration gases, 1-44
calibration values, 5-59
defining values, 5-58
handling precautions, 1-44
Calibration Menu, 2-56
Calibration Overdue message, 4-6
Calibration Type Form screen, 2-55
calibrations, 1-45
automatic, 1-45, 5-60
fixed time, 1-45
flexible time, 1-46
barometer, 1-47, 2-59
drift limits, 1-48, 5-57
valid entry ranges, 5-57
frequency, 5-60
glucose biosensor, 1-46
interrupting, 2-60
manually initiated, 1-47
one-point, 1-45, 1-64 to 1-74
options, 5-57 to 5-61
reagent pump, 4-57
recalling data, 1-49
repeating, 1-48
reporting results with drift, 1-48
results, 1-48
from the Analyze mode, 2-55
from the Menu mode, 2-56
tHb slope, 1-47, 2-57
two-point, 1-45, 1-68 to 1-74
Cancel key, 1-26, 5-5
canceling sample analysis, 2-7, 2-14, 2-19, 2-42
capillary blood samples, 1-35
capillary seal, 2-8, 2-11, 2-15
inspecting, 3-21
replacing, 3-100
replacing (illustration), 3-101
capillary tubes, using, 1-36, 2-3
carboxyhemoglobin (FCOHb), measurement
principles, I-23
CAUTION, meaning of, xviii
Change parameters, custom panel, 2-29 to 2-31
Change Parameters key, 1-26
Change Parameters screen, 2-29
Change Sample Type key, 1-26
Change Sample Type screen, 2-12
changing parameters, 2-14
changing sample type, 2-11, 2-15, 2-20, 2-40
Chiron Diagnostics addresses and communication
numbers, B-1
measuring, I-16
sensor, I-17
cleaning solutions
active ingredients, 1-40
changing, 3-19
handling and preparing, 1-43
intended use, 1-41
removing (illustration), 3-19
storing, 1-42
Clear Entry key, 5-4
CO–ox Sample Chamber Temp Error, 4-114
CO–ox Sample Temp Out of Range, 4-114
components of system, 1-15 to 1-22
active ingredients, 1-40
handling and preparing, 1-43