Bayer HealthCare Rapidlab 800 User Manual

Page 694

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800 Series Operator's Manual

temperature range (warning), 4-112, 4-119

Measurement Module Door Open message, 4-8
Measurement Module Temp Error message, 2-33
Measurement Module Temp Warning message, 2-33
measurement test, 4-55, 4-70 to 4-74

printing stored signals, 4-70
testing a sensor circuit without a sensor, 4-72

measuring hemoglobin, CO-ox module, I-24
menu codes, 1-31
Menu key, 5-4
menu map, 1-30
Menu mode, 1-29 to 1-30
menu options password

default, 5-30
defining, 5-29 to 5-30

metabolite calibration, slope, 1-45
metabolite recal, 5-60, 5-61
methemoglobin (FMetHb), measurement principles,


mixed venous blood samples, 1-34
More Results key, 1-26


Next Screen key, 5-4
NIST traceable

calibration gases, 1-44
reagents, 1-41
temperature, 3-10, 4-69

No Paper In Printer message, 4-8
No Sample Device Detected, 4-120
No Sample Device Detected message, 4-9
No Waste Bottle Detected message, 4-9
numeric keys, 1-24


O2 binding measurement values, 5-15
operating principles, I-1 to I-38

a–v studies, I-35
amperometry, I-6
entered parameters, p50, I-30
measuring electrolytes, I-13 to I-38

chloride, I-16
ionized calcium, I-17
potassium, I-15
sodium, I-15

measuring metabolites, I-18 to I-38

glucose, I-18
lactate, I-19

measuring pCO


, I-9

measuring pH, I-8
measuring pO


, I-11

other reported parameters, I-25
potentiometry, I-1 to I-38

operator password, default, 5-28
operator passwords, defining, 5-27 to 5-29
Operator Passwords Screen, 5-28
other reported parameters, listed by system, 1-5
Out of Range message, 4-9
oxygen capacity (hemoglobin), I-30
oxygen consumption rate, I-36
oxygen content (hemoglobin), I-29
oxygen content, estimated, I-28
oxygen delivery, I-36
oxygen saturation (hemoglobin), I-28
oxygen saturation, estimated, I-27
oxyhemoglobin (FO2Hb), measurement principles,



p50, I-30
p50 measurement values, 5-15
paper spool, turning on or off, 5-25
paper-advance key, 1-24
paper-spool key, 1-25
parameter name options, 5-16
Parameter Names screen, 5-17
parameter names, selecting, 5-16
parameter panels

custom, 5-9
default, 5-10
options, 5-10
selecting, 2-29, 5-10

parameter units

default and optional, 5-13
reporting ranges, E-3 to E-9
selecting, 5-13
significant digits, 5-39

parameter values, defining, 5-15
parameters analyzed, selecting, 5-12
Parameters screen, 5-13
password protection, selecting, 5-26 to 5-27
Password Protection screen, 5-26

default. See default passwords
defining. See defining passwords
entering, 2-5
menu options, 2-5
system, 2-5

Patient Data Search Criteria screen, 2-35, 5-80
Patient Data Search Log (screen), 2-36
Patient Data Search Result screen, 2-37
Patient Information form, 2-27

defining, 5-6 to 5-8