Using help – Bayer HealthCare Rapidlab 800 User Manual
Page 54
Rapidlab 800 Operator's Manual
Using Help
Use the Help program to get information about your 800 system. You can access
Help when the system is inactive or when the system is performing an operation,
such as an analysis, a wash, or a calibration. When you access help during an
operation, the Help screen appears and the operation continues in the background.
In the Analyze mode, press Help to access Help for the screen you are viewing.
Analyze mode Help presents a general list of topics that are specifically related to
the screen from where you press Help.
In the Menu mode, press Help to display a scroll list of Menu mode topics. Menu
mode Help consists of an index of topics. Each topic describes a menu or menu
selection. The topics do not vary from screen to screen.
The Help screens have two sides. The left side contains a scroll list of topics. You
use the up and down arrow keys to select a topic. When you select a topic and
press Enter, the right side displays information relating to the topic you choose.
Scroll List
Read Help information
about the topic selected
in the scroll list.
Press Next Screen to
go to the second page
of a twoĆpage Help
Press Using Help to get
information about the
Help system.
You can press Exit Help to leave Help and return to the screen from
which you accessed Help. If you press Help from the Analyze mode
screen when the system is busy, you return to the current screen for
the activity in progress.