Bayer HealthCare Rapidlab 800 User Manual
Page 691

intended use, 1-41
storing, 1-42
conditioning the sensors, 3-14
CO-ox cover, close before analyzing sample, 2-6
CO-ox Cover is Open message, 4-6
CO-ox Cover Open During Meas message, 2-33, 4-6
CO-ox Cover Open During Zero message, 4-6
CO-ox measurement, insufficient sample volume, 2-8
CO-ox module
integration time (zero calibration), 4-55, 4-75
overview, 1-17, I-24
air filter, 3-33
air filter (illustration), 3-33
lamp, 3-103 to 3-105
lamp (illustration), 3-104 to 3-105
sample tubing, 3-37
sample tubing (illustration), 3-37
CO-ox optics test, 4-55, 4-75
CO-ox Optics Test screen, 4-75
CO-ox sample chamber, temperature range (error),
4-113, 4-114
CO-ox Sample Chamber Temp Error message, 2-33,
CO-ox sample path
disconnecting, 4-92
illustration, 4-87
reconnecting, 4-93
removing obstructions, 4-87 to 4-91
CO-ox Sample Temp Out of Range message, 2-33, 4-7
CO-oximeter Slope
active ingredients, 1-40
handling and preparing, 1-43
intended use, 1-41
copying files
See also disk utilities
file format, 5-81 to 5-83
correlation adjustment, G-1 to G-2
Correlation Adjustment message, 4-7
correlation coefficients
defining, 5-42
ranges, 5-42
values, 5-42
Correlation Coefficients screen, 5-43
custom panel, selecting as default, 5-12
D codes
overview, 4-11
Status Event Log, 4-5
D2 Excessive Drift: Glu, 4-15 to 4-54
D2 Excessive Drift: Lac, 4-15
D2 Excessive Drift: pH, Na
, Ca
, Cl
, 4-13 to 4-54
D2 Excessive Drift: pO
, pCO
, 4-12 to 4-54
D2 Excessive Drift: tHb, 4-16
D3 Slope Error: Glu, 4-19 to 4-54
D3 Slope Error: Lac, 4-19
D3 Slope Error: pH, Na
, K
, Ca
, Cl
, 4-18 to 4-54
D3 Slope Error: pO
, pCO
, 4-17 to 4-54
D3 Slope Error: tHb, 4-20
D4 Offset Error: Glu, 4-23 to 4-54
D4 Offset Error: Lac, 4-23
D4 Offset Error: pH, Na
, K
, Ca
, Cl
, 4-22 to 4-54
D4 Offset Error: pO
, pCO
, 4-21 to 4-54
D5 No Endpoint: Glu, 4-26 to 4-54
D5 No Endpoint: Lac, 4-26 to 4-54
D5 No Endpoint: pH, Na
, K
, Ca
, Cl
, 4-25 to 4-54
D5 No Endpoint: pO
, pCO
, 4-24 to 4-54
D12 Sample Door Position Error, 4-27
D13 No Sample Detected at FD1, 4-28 to 4-54
D14 No Sample Detected at FD2, 4-29 to 4-54
D19 Fluid Detector Error: FD1, FD1A, FD2, 4-30 to
D19 Fluid Detector Error: FD3, FD4, 4-31
D19 Fluid Detector Error: FD5, 4-32
D21 Processing Error: 1, 3, 4-33
D22 Barometric Pressure Error, 4-34
D23 Rgt Manifold: No 7.3 Buffer, 6.8 Buffer,
Wash/Zero, C1/C2, Cal Glu/Lac, 4-35 to 4-54
D24 Meas Module: No 7.3 Buffer, 6.8 Buffer,
Wash/Zero, Cal Glu/Lac, 4-36 to 4-54
D29 Insufficient Wash Flow, 4-37 to 4-54
D33 Probe Position Error, 4-38
D35 Electronics Error: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,
12, 13], 4-39
D38 Temperature Error: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
11], 4-40
D50 Glu Sensor Error, 4-41 to 4-54
D51 Lactate Sensor Error, 4-42 to 4-54
D60 Port Error: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 4-43
D70 Optics Error: [2, 3, 4, 7, 9], 4-44 to 4-54
D71 No Sample Detected at FD5, 4-45 to 4-54
D72 No COox Sample Detected, 4-46 to 4-54
D75 Lamp Failure, 4-47 to 4-54
D76 COox Electronics Error: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,
10, 11, 12], 4-48
D77 COox Temperature Error, 4-51
D78 COox Module: No [7.3/COox Zero, Wash/Glu
Zero], 4-52
D79 COox Insufficient Wash Flow, 4-54
Data Entry Format screen, 5-8
Data Entry Incomplete message, 2-33, 4-7
data files
copying, 5-79 to 5-80
disk utilities functions, 5-67