Bayer HealthCare Rapidlab 800 User Manual

Page 680

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800 Series Operator's Manual

Operating Setup

The Menu screen option that lets you define QC setup,
reference and action ranges, patient data entry, report
formats, measurement units, parameter names, printing
options, calibration setup, printing options, and
correlation coefficients.

option button

A diamond symbol that appears next to an option in an
option list. When an option button is filled in, that
option is selected. You can select only one option in an
option list.

option list

A list of two or more options in a frame that you select
by highlighting the required option. An option list can
contain check boxes, option buttons, or a scroll list.


A set of parameters, such as pO


, pCO


, and pH, that

are measured by an 800 system. You can select a panel
for the system through the System Setup menu. The
default panel is All Parameters.

Paper Advance

The key that advances the paper in the roll printer.

Paper Spool

The key that tightens the printer paper on the spool.

Parameter Names

The Operating Setup menu option that lets you select
the chemical symbols to identify parameters.


The System Setup menu option that lets you turn on and
off individual parameters for sample analysis.


A set of characters (up to eight) that lets you access
certain system functions. An 800 system has two
passwords: a system password that lets you operate the
system and a menu password that lets you use
designated menus. You can define separate passwords
for accessing the system and for accessing menu
options. You define passwords through the System
Setup menu.

patient sample

Blood or a volume of expired gas collected from a
patient. The system uses the sample to analyze specific
parameters and displays the results.


Atmospheric (barometric) pressure.

PC board

Printed circuit board. A component that performs
specific electronic functions within the system.

pH only

The Sample Type menu option that lets you analyze
samples that require only a pH measurement. This
feature is available only on 840 systems.