Bayer HealthCare Rapidlab 800 User Manual
Page 677

External Loopback
The Communications menu option that performs an
external communications loopback test. This test
verifies the internal communications through the serial
ports and external cables.
File 13
A storage file containing QC data that
Bayer Diagnostics field service engineers use during
troubleshooting. You can delete the contents of the file,
but you cannot access the file data.
File 14
A temporary storage file for discarded QC results. The
system does not place data into an active QC file or
update the statistics. You can recall the data in this file
using the Data Recall function if it was accidentally
fixed time
A method of determining intervals between calibrations
in which you determine the maximum time between
one-point and two-point calibrations. You determine
fixed time calibration through the Calibration Setup
The five function keys (F1 through F5) located below
the screen that are associated with the labels displayed
on the bottom line of the screen. The key functions can
change as you move from screen to screen.
A symbol that appears on some screens and printed
reports that indicates that the system detects an
unexpected result or measurement. For example, the
single up arrow (
) on a patient report indicates that the
sample result is above the reference range or that the
calibration result is above the high drift limit.
flexible time
A method of determining calibration intervals. The
system uses an algorithm to determine the time between
calibrations based on sensor status and previous
calibration results (calibration drift).
Fluid Detector
The Fluidics System menu option that lets you test fluid
detectors 1, 1A, and 2 with air, clear liquid, or opaque
liquid (blood) and test fluid detectors 3 and 4 with air or
clear liquid.
fluid detector
A sensor that detects fluid in the sample path. There are
five fluid detectors: 1, 1A, 2, 3, and 4.
Fluidics System
The Troubleshooting menu option that lets you test the
fluidic system.