Bayer HealthCare Rapidlab 800 User Manual
Page 695
fields, 5-6
screen, 2-27
patient sample analysis
canceling, 2-4
capillary samples, 2-8 to 2-29
inserting (illustration), 2-8
moving automatically, 5-37
moving manually, 2-9
sample volume requirements, 2-8
combining results with 270 CO-oximeter results,
2-22 to 2-29
CO-ox only, sample volume requirements, 2-14
CO-ox only samples, 2-14 to 2-29
expired gas samples, 2-20 to 2-29
inserting (illustration), 2-20
sample volume requirements, 2-20
microsamples, 2-11 to 2-29
sample volume requirements, 2-11
overview, 2-3 to 2-5
pH samples, 2-15 to 2-29
moving manually, 2-15
sample volume requirements, 2-15
Ready state, 2-3
syringe samples, 2-6 to 2-7
inserting (illustration), 2-6
insufficient sample, 2-7
sample volume requirements, 2-6
sequence, 1-59 to 1-74
vacuum tube samples, 2-18 to 2-29
inserting with aspiration adapter (illustration),
insufficient sample, 2-19
moving manually, 2-19
sample volume requirements, 2-18
patient sample data
copying files, 5-79 to 5-80
editing, 2-38 to 2-44
entering, 2-27 to 2-29
printing, 2-39
recalling, 2-35 to 2-38
transmitting, 2-39
patient sample results, 2-30
example, 2-31
symbols, 2-30
screen, 2-30
transmitting to an LIS, HIS, or data management
system, 5-38
troubleshooting, 4-97
patient temperature correction, I-32
measuring, I-9
sensor, I-11
840 data, E-11 to E-16
850 data, E-17 to E-27
860 data, E-28 to E-45
limitations, E-10
calcium adjustment, I-34
measuring, I-8
sensor, I-9
measuring, I-11
sensor, I-12
Port Selection screen, 5-62
connecting external devices, D-1
illustration, 1-13
ports form (illustration), 5-64
measuring, I-15
sensor, I-16
power failure, recovering from, 5-85
precision, 2-3
Previous Screen key, 1-26, 5-5
priming the system, 3-62
printed reports
examples, F-1 to F-12
printing options, 5-20
printer report format, defining, 5-22
Printer Report screen, 5-22
Printing Options screen, 5-21, 5-24, 5-25
printing options, selecting, 5-20
Probe Detected Obstruction message, 4-9
pump flow rate test, 4-55, 4-57
Pump Flow Rate Test screen, 4-57
pump functions test, 4-55, 4-58 to 4-62
Pump Functions Test screen, 4-59
calibrate, 4-57
illustration, 1-19
replacing tubing, 3-39 to 3-43
CO-ox pump (illustration), 3-41
reagent pump (illustration), 3-42
sample and waste pump (illustration), 3-40
roller cages
cleaning, 3-51 to 3-53
removing (illustration), 3-52, 3-97
replacing, 3-96 to 3-97
troubleshooting, 4-112
QC Data Search Log (screen), 2-46