Yokogawa GC8000 Process Gas Chromatograph User Manual

Page 81

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<1. Overview>


IM 11B08A01-01E



The measurement status changes to “Replaceable” when the measurement of the
currently-measured stream is completed.

After the measurement status has changed to “Replaceable,” open the manual stream
valve on the calibration stream (or validated) to fl ow the standard calibration (or validation)
sample. After the fl ow in the line has been completely replaced with the standard sample,
touch the “Calibration (validation) start” button. Users at Level B or higher are allowed to
start calibration (or validation).



When calibration (or validation) is completed for all the streams specifi ed for the selected
calibration (or validation) number, the measurement status returns to “Replaceable.” Then
stop fl owing the standard sample and press the “Calibration (validation) stop” button to
return to the stop mode in the measurement status before the calibration (or validation) (the
stream sequence status or the stream specifi cation status).

Users at Level B or higher are allowed to stop calibration (or validation).



Figure 1.23

An example of the calibration (validation) method window on the GCM operation status

screen on the GC-HMI analyzer operation display

2nd Edition : May 11, 2012-00