Selecting an analyzer – Yokogawa GC8000 Process Gas Chromatograph User Manual
Page 197

<4. GC-HMI (touch panel)>
IM 11B08A01-01E
Selecting an Analyzer
In the Analyzer Setting dialog, select the GC8000 you want to connect, and then establish a
connection or forced connection.
Figure 4.9
Example of Analyzer Setting Screen
This option makes a communication connection with the analyzer selected by the Analyzer
Setting function.
A communication connection attempt fails if the target analyzer is already connected with a
PC or any other GC-HMI.
Forced Connect:
Even if the target analyzer is already connected with a PC or any other GC-HMI, this option
breaks that connection and forces a connection with the analyzer.
To register an analyzer, add, change, or delete its analyzer ID and IP address.
Analyzer ID:
Set the ID for the analyzer (GC8000) to be connected to.
Setting conditions:
• Up to eight analyzers (GC8000s) can be set: one analyzer (GC8000) equipped with
GC-HMI, plus seven external analyzers (GC8000s).
The analyzer (GC8000) equipped with GC-HMI cannot be left unset.
Setting range:
001 to 240, and unset
Default settings:
The analyzer (GC8000) equipped with GC-HMI is defaulted to
001, and external analyzers (GC8000s) are defaulted unset.
IP address:
Set the IP address corresponding to the analyzer ID.
Setting conditions:
• Up to eight analyzers (GC8000s) can be set: one analyzer (GC8000) equipped with
GC-HMI, plus seven external analyzers (GC8000s).
Setting range: to (where indicates unset state).
Default settings:
The analyzer (GC8000) equipped with GC-HMI is defaulted to, and external analyzers (GC8000s) are defaulted to (unset).
2nd Edition : May 11, 2012-00