Yokogawa GC8000 Process Gas Chromatograph User Manual
Page 163

<3. Basic Operation and Startup>
IM 11B08A01-01E
Concentration Analysis History Screen, Retention Time History
Screen, and Calibration Factor History Screen
A common screen layout is used for the concentration analysis history screen, retention time
history screen, and calibration factor history screen.
These screens display the changes over time of concentration analysis data, retention time data,
and calibration factor data, respectively, as measured by the active GCM.
Each screen can contain up to 999 peaks. The maximum displayable number of analysis clock
times is limited to 250 for concentration analysis history and retention time history, and to 100 for
calibration factor history.
Screen components are as shown below.
In this condition,
concentration analysis history is displayed
History data selector
Auto update
Graph setup
Graph display
GCM/SYS change tabs
Table scroll button
Data display
Figure 3.15
History Screen Layout
GCM/SYS change tabs:
Either the whole of active GCM, or the SYS assigned to the active
GCM, can be selected, so that the history data is displayed on the
SYS tab.
Table scroll button:
Scrolls through the display area.
Auto update ON/OFF:
When auto update is ON, the on-screen data is automatically
updated with the latest data when the measurement fi nishes.
When auto update is OFF, data update does not occur.
Graph setup:
Sets up a graph of the data to be displayed.
Graph display:
Displays the graph confi gured with the graph setup function.
2nd Edition : May 11, 2012-00