Warning, 2) preparation and check of accessory equipment, 3) checking external piping – Yokogawa GC8000 Process Gas Chromatograph User Manual
Page 169: 4) checking the status of wiring

<3. Basic Operation and Startup>
IM 11B08A01-01E
(2) Preparation and check of accessory equipment
Check accessory equipment required for operation, such as gas cylinders (carrier gas,
combustion hydrogen or makeup gas, and standard gas), air, and steam. When the fi ll pressure
of carrier gas, combustion hydrogen or makeup gas is 1 MPa or less, or that of standard gas is
5% or less of the maximum value, prepare a new cylinder.
Confi rm that utilities such as gases and purge air satisfy the requirements in the Delivery
specifi cations.
(3) Checking external piping
• Connect a pipe after having let air fl ow through it (air purge) to confi rm that there is no stain
in it.
• Confi rm that the material and bore diameter of a pipe are equal to those described in the
Installation manual.
• Confi rm that all piping is equal to that described in the Operation data.
• Use leak detecting liquid (such as Snoop manufactured by Swagelok) to confi rm that there
is no leak from joints after piping.
• Before heating a sample with steam, confi rm that steam piping and thermal insulation have
been attached properly to the sample piping.
Do not use a pipe or joint possibly stained with oil. Since stain such as metal powder may adhere
in a pipe just after constructed, purge it thoroughly with air, etc. before connecting it to GC8000.
The main body may be fi lled with gas to protect columns. When leaving the startup work up to
service persons, do not remove the sealing plug from the main body.
(4) Checking the status of wiring
Confi rm that power supply wiring, signal wiring, and earth wiring have been connected properly in
reference to the terminal wiring chart in the Delivery specifi cations and Operation data.
Always use attached cable packing fi ttings at the wiring work of the TIIS explosionproof
specifi cation.
The use of fi ttings other than attached cable packing fi ttings does not satisfy the TIIS
explosionproof specifi cation.
During wiring work, take enough care to prevent a cable from touching a part (such as a relay) in
the equipment to cause damage to it.
2nd Edition : May 11, 2012-00