Yokogawa GC8000 Process Gas Chromatograph User Manual

Page 101

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<1. Overview>


IM 11B08A01-01E

When the stream valves are automatic valves, the valves specifi ed among them are turned on
and off. When the stream valves are manual valves, these settings do not affect the operation of
the valves.
The same stream valve number can be specifi ed for different streams. Specify the same stream
valve number when a single stream is used for several measurements. Also defi ne the standard
sample stream as one of the streams.

Stream type

• Measurement


This is used for the measurement of the process sample.
• Validation


This is used for the measurement of the standard sample in order to compare the

measurement results between before and after calibration or to validate whether the
GC8000 operates normally.

• Calibration


This is used for the measurement of the standard sample for the purpose of calibration.

This is also used as a validation stream in some cases.

Sum calibration (Valid/Invalid) and sum total

When the “Concentration calculation” is set to “Standard” in the “Peak common setting” of the
relevant GCM and the relevant stream is a measurement stream or a validation stream, sum
calibration is enabled. However, sum calibration is disabled when the GCM of the relevant stream
is composed of several systems.
The sum total can be arbitrary defi ned within the range from 0.1 to 100.0%.

Baseline calibration (Valid/Invalid)

The previously-stored detector signal of the baseline-calibrating chromatogram is subtracted
from the detector signal that measures the relevant stream for the purpose of calibration of the
increase in the chromatogram baseline due to column bleed or something. Several detectors
are used to measure the relevant stream depending on the confi guration of the equipment. If it
can be handled with individual peak setting integral treatment: the perpendicular method, it is
Baseline calibration shall be enabled or disabled for each stream. Obtain the chromatogram to be
used for the baseline calibration by running the method specifi ed not to operate sample valves,
then touch the “Save baseline chromatogram” button while displaying the chromatogram to save
it in the main unit of the GC8000 (Figure 5.21). Users at Level C or higher are allowed to save the
baseline chromatogram.

GCM number and Method number

Assign a number from 1 to 6 to GCM number and Method number, respectively that are used for
the relevant stream.
Methods are classifi ed into GCM methods and SYS methods. For example, if the GCM number
and the Method number are both set to 1, Method#1 of GCM#1 and Method#1 of SYS#11 are
used for the measurement of the relevant stream.

2nd Edition : May 11, 2012-00