Introduction, Warning – Yokogawa GC8000 Process Gas Chromatograph User Manual
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IM 11B08A01-01E
Thank you for purchasing the GC8000 process gas chromatograph.
This manual describes the meintenance and inspection of Model GC8000 Process Gas
Please lead the following repective documents before installing and using the GC8000 system.
Documents Related to the GC8000 Process Gas Chromatograph
User’s manuals
The product comes with the following user’s manuals.
• User’s manuals that do not depend upon the specifi cations of the product:
GC8000 Process Gas Chromatograph (IM 11B08A01-01E, this manual)
Process Gas Chromatograph GC8000 Installation Manual (TI 11B08A01-01E)
• User’s manuals for related products:
PCAS PC Analyzer Server Software (IM 11B06B01-01E)
ASET Analyzer Server Engineering Terminal Software (IM 11B06C01-01E)
ASGW Analyzer Server Gateway Software (IM 11B06E01-01E)
ASIU Analyzer Server Interface Unit Software (IM 11B06F01-01E)
ANABUS Ethernet System Redundancy Setting Manual (TI 11B03A03-14E)
Operation Data
Operation data is supplied with the operation manuals in the delivered package and contains
the following application specifi c information required to use the GC8000 Process Gas
• Process conditions and measurement range
• Instrument
specifi cations and operating conditions
• Standard sample for calibration
• Column system and column
• Miscellaneous
Chromatogram, base line, repeatability, etc.
• Analyzer
fl ow diagram and installation
• Parts composition table
• General connection diagram
• Sampling system diagram (when supplied by Yokogawa)
General Precautions
In order to analyze gases, process gas chromatographs use various kinds of process gases and
utility gases.
Since these gases are typically combustible, combustion-sustaining, toxic, odorous, resolvable,
polymerizing, or corrosive, refer to the “Safety Information” in our approval drawings and others
to ensure safety thoroughly before using them.
2nd Edition : May 11, 2012-00