7 features – Yokogawa GC8000 Process Gas Chromatograph User Manual

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<1. Overview>


IM 11B08A01-01E

1.7 Features

Simple operation by touching the screen

The GC-HMI (Human Machine Interface: a 12-inch color LCD touch panel) dramatically improves
operation and simplifi es maintenance.

GC modules enable parallel chromatography

Parallel chromatography is made practical with the introduction of the GC Module concept.
Complex applications are divided into smaller simultaneous measurements, reducing the
analysis time and allowing confi gurations to be tailored to customers’ needs.

● Gas Chromatograph Module (GCM)
As a single GCM is equivalent to a single virtual GC, virtual GCs set up on the GC8000 can

measure multiple streams simultaneously.

● System (SYS)
SYS is the smallest segment for analysis, and SYSs can be set up in a single GCM.

Therefore, individual SYS confi gurations allow the GC8000 to measure only the most
important element with a shorter analysis time among the elements. Each SYS assigned to
a specifi c GCM analyzes simultaneously, whereas each SYS assigned to a different GCM
does not.

Flexible and secure GC network design

● The communications network of the GC8000 is based on the Ethernet structure to transmit

data to GC workstations and the DCS system. The GC8000 can be set up for either a single
Ethernet network or a redundant network.

● Modbus TCP/IP protocol support eliminates the need for communication gateways to

DCS systems in many situations. This not only simplifi es the network architecture, but also
removes a potential point of failure in delivering analytical data to the DCS system. For
communication systems that still require Serial Modbus gateways, the ASGW is available.

● For customer sites with an existing Ethernet network for the GC1000 Mark II, the GC8000 is

fully compatible without having to modify the network.

State-of-the-art maintenance software

● Re-analysis function of ASET
Conventional process chromatographs measure concentrations in accordance with

the preset confi guration for chromatogram analysis. The appropriate confi guration is
determined by trial-and-error based on the results of many analyses.

With this function, the GC8000 can measure concentrations in accordance with the most

appropriate confi guration for chromatograms saved in a fi le after measurements. The result
can be sent to the analyzer and reused for other measurements. This feature dramatically
reduces the maintenance time and improves troubleshooting such as mixtures of process
samples with uncertain components.

● Custom software capability
With the programming in YM-BASIC (Yokogawa’s original programming language based on

BASIC), calculation formulas for analysis results and various measurement statuses such
as stream switching can be changed. This function also allows special calculations using
analog inputs from other analyzers and contact inputs.

● Gate tracking function
The automatic peak tracking function of GC1000 Mark II was improved. The setting of

tracking (correction) conditions of the gate time setting to detect peaks has become fl exible,
from simultaneously setting all GCs to setting each SYS or each detector. This enables
precise measurement even in multicomponent analysis such as PIONA.

2nd Edition : May 11, 2012-00