Delta Electronics High-Speed PCI 12-Axis Motion Control Card PCI-DMC-A01 User Manual

Page 51

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Chapter 3 Operating Principles | PCI-DMC-A01 / PCI-DMC-B01

Revised March, 2012


6) Start motion control with linear interpolation in 2 or 3 axes

Click on the “” or ““ button to execute the following procedure:

2-axis linear interpolation:

rt = _DMC_01_start_sa_move_xy(gDMCCardNo, gLine2, gSlot2, Distance,
Distance, StrVel, MaxVel, acc, dec);

//// Linear interpolation motion using absolute coordinates with S-curve velocity

rt = _DMC_01_start_ta_move_xy(gDMCCardNo, gLine2, gSlot2, Distance,
Distance, StrVel, MaxVel, acc, dec);

//// Linear interpolation motion using absolute

coordinates with T-curve velocity cross-section

rt = _DMC_01_start_sr_move_xy(gDMCCardNo, gLine2, gSlot2, Distance,
Distance, StrVel, MaxVel, acc, dec);

//// Linear interpolation motion using relative coordinates with S-curve velocity

rt = _DMC_01_start_tr_move_xy(gDMCCardNo, gLine2, gSlot2, Distance, Distance,
StrVel, MaxVel, acc, dec);

//// Linear interpolation motion using relative coordinates

with T-curve velocity cross-section

3-axis linear interpolation:

rt = _DMC_01_start_sa_move_xyz(gDMCCardNo, gLine3, gSlot3, Distance,
Distance, Distance, StrVel, MaxVel, acc, dec);

//// Linear interpolation motion using absolute coordinates with S-curve velocity

rt = _DMC_01_start_ta_move_xyz(gDMCCardNo, gLine3, gSlot3, Distance,
Distance, Distance, StrVel, MaxVel, acc, dec);

//// Linear interpolation motion using absolute coordinates with T-curve velocity

rt = _DMC_01_start_sr_move_xyz(gDMCCardNo, gLine3, gSlot3, Distance,
Distance, Distance, StrVel, MaxVel, acc, dec);

//// Linear interpolation motion using relative coordinates with S-curve velocity

rt = _DMC_01_start_tr_move_xyz(gDMCCardNo, gLine3, gSlot3, Distance,
Distance, Distance, StrVel, MaxVel, acc, dec);

//// Linear interpolation motion using relative coordinates with T-curve velocity

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