Avago Technologies LSI53C1010R User Manual

Page 268

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SCSI SCRIPTS Instruction Set

Version 2.2

Copyright © 2000–2003 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.

Clear Instruction

When the SACK/ or SATN/ bits are cleared, the
corresponding bits are cleared in the

SCSI Output Control Latch (SOCL)

register. When the

target bit is cleared, the corresponding bit in the

SCSI Control Zero (SCNTL0)

register is cleared. When

the carry bit is cleared, the corresponding bit in the ALU
is cleared.


Relative Addressing Mode


When this bit is set, the 24-bit signed value in the

DMA Next Address (DNAD)

register is used as a relative

displacement from the current


address. Use this bit only

in conjunction with the Select, Reselect, Wait Select, and
Wait Reselect instructions. The Select and Reselect
instructions can contain an absolute alternate jump
address or a relative transfer address.


Table Indirect Mode


When this bit is set, the 24-bit signed value in the

DMA Byte Counter (DBC)

register is added to the value

in the

Data Structure Address (DSA)

register, and used

as an offset relative to the value in the Data Structure
Address (DSA) register. The

SCSI Control Three (SCNTL3)

value, SCSI ID,

synchronous offset and synchronous period are loaded
from this address. Prior to the start of an I/O, load the

Data Structure Address (DSA)

with the base address of

the I/O data structure. Any address on a Dword boundary
is allowed. After a Table Indirect opcode is fetched, the

Data Structure Address (DSA)

is added to the 24-bit

signed offset value from the opcode to generate the
address of the required data. Both positive and negative
offsets are allowed. A subsequent fetch from that address
brings the data values into the chip.

SCRIPTS can directly execute operating system I/O data
structures, saving time at the beginning of an I/O
operation. The I/O data structure can begin on any Dword
boundary and may cross system segment boundaries.
There are two restrictions on the placement of data in
system memory: