Usb block registers, Usb global registers – Digi NS9750 User Manual
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U S B b l o c k r e g i s t e r s
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N S 9 7 5 0 H a r d w a r e R e f e r e n c e
USB block registers
The USB module configuration registers are located at base address 9010_0000.
Table 415 provides the address register map for the USB “modules” within the USB
All configuration registers must be accessed as 32-bit words and as single accesses
only. Bursting is not allowed.
USB Global registers
Table 416 provides the addresses for the USB Global registers.
Address range
Register space (module)
USB Global Control and Status
USB Host Block
USB Device Block
USB Device Endpoint FIFOs
USB Device DMA (see the BBus DMA Controller chapter
for details about these registers)
Table 415: USB register address map
9010 0000
Global Control/Status register
9010 0004
Device Control/Status register
9010 000C
Global Interrupt Enable
9010 0010
Global Interrupt Status
9010 0014
Device IP Programming Control/Status
Table 416: USB Global registers address map