Digi NS9750 User Manual
Page 30

N S 9 7 5 0 F e a t u r e s
N S 9 7 5 0 H a r d w a r e R e f e r e n c e
Each DMA channel supports memory-to-memory transfers
Power management (patent pending)
Power save during normal operation
Disables unused modules
Power save during sleep mode
Sets memory controller to refresh
Disables all modules except selected wakeup modules
Wakeup on valid packets or characters
Vector interrupt controller
Decreased bus traffic and rapid interrupt service
Hardware interrupt prioritization
General purpose timers/counters
16 independent 16-bit or 32-bit programmable timers or counters
Each with an I/O pin
Mode selectable into:
Internal timer mode
External gated timer mode
External event counter
Can be concatenated
Resolution to measure minute-range events
Source clock selectable: internal clock or external pulse event
Each can be individually enabled/disabled
System timers
Watchdog timer
System bus monitor timer
System bus arbiter timer
Peripheral bus monitor timer
General purpose I/O
50 programmable GPIO pins (muxed with other functions)
Software-readable powerup status registers for every pin for customer-
defined bootstrapping