Features – Digi NS9750 User Manual
Page 626

F e a t u r e s
6 0 2
N S 9 7 5 0 H a r d w a r e R e f e r e n c e
Each channel supports these features:
DMA transfers to and from system memory
Independent programmable bit-rate generator
High speed data transfer: 1.8432 Mbps (asynchronous)
32-byte TX FIFO
32-Byte RX FIFO
Programmable data formats
5 to 8 data bits
Odd, even, or no parity
1, 2 stop bits
Programmable channel modes
Remote loopback
Control signal support: RTS, CTS, DTR, DSR, DCD, RI
Maskable interrupt conditions
Receive FIFO ready
Receive FIFO half full
Transmit FIFO ready
Transmit FIFO half empty
CTS, DSR, DCD, RI state change detection
Multi-drop capable