Bbus bridge control and status registers – Digi NS9750 User Manual

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B B u s B r i d g e C o n t r o l a n d S t a t u s r e g i s t e r s

4 9 0

N S 9 7 5 0 H a r d w a r e R e f e r e n c e

BBus Bridge Control and Status registers

The BBus configuration registers are located at base address


. All

configuration registers are accessed with zero wait states. Table 295 lists the
configuration and status registers in the BBus Bridge module. All configuration
registers must be accessed as 32-bit words and as single accesses only. Bursting is not



A040 0000

DMA Channel 1 Buffer Descriptor Pointer

A040 0004

DMA Channel 1 Control register

A040 0008

DMA Channel 1 Status and Interrupt Enable

A040 000C

DMA Channel 1 Peripheral Chip Select

A040 0020

DMA Channel 2 Buffer Descriptor Pointer

A040 0024

DMA Channel 2 Control register

A040 0028

DMA Channel 2 Status and Interrupt Enable

A040 002C

DMA Channel 2 Peripheral Chip Select

A040 0100

BBus Bridge Interrupt Status

A040 1004

BBus Bridge Interrupt Enable

Table 295: BBus Bridge module registers