Digi NS9750 User Manual
Page 510

S P I - E E P R O M b o o t l o g i c
4 8 6
N S 9 7 5 0 H a r d w a r e R e f e r e n c e
Memory Controller configuration
See your ARM documentation for complete information about the memory
The memory controller exits the reset state in non-operational mode. This requires
the SPI-EEPROM boot logic to configure the memory controller as well as the external
SDRAM before any memory access.
The information required to configure the memory controller and the
external SDRAM must be stored in a configuration header in the SPI-
EEPROM in a contiguous block starting at address zero. Each entry in the
header, with the exception of the pad entry, must be 4 bytes in length.
The size of the configuration header varies from 128 bytes to 130 bytes, due to the
variable length nature of the SPI-EEPROM read command. Table 293 shows the order
and contents of the configuration header.
EEPROM entry
Pad entry
Variable length entry that ranges from 0 bytes to 2 bytes in length.
The field length is computed by subtracting the length of the read
command (including the address field) from 4.
A 256 Kb EEPROM requires a 1-byte read command followed by a
2-byte address, resulting in a pad entry length of 1:
4-(1+2) = 1
Num words
Total number of words to fetch from the SPI-EEPROM. The total
must include the 32-word header plus the initial discarded word.
# words = ((S
+ S
) / 4) + 1)
= Code image size in bytes
= header = 128 bytes
Table 293: ARM boot configuration