Quantum Data 881 User Manual
Page 1221

881/882 Video Test Generator User Guide
(Rev A.22)
Can not repeat field if progressive
Repeat field operation is only supported in interlaced video formats.
Horizontal total too small
The video format’s total (active + blanked) number of pixel clock cycles per horizontal scan
line is below the minimum number supported by the generator hardware configuration.
Invalid Mode
The video format setting is incompatible with the interface selected.
Horizontal total too large
The video format’s total (active + blanked) number of pixel clock cycles per horizontal scan
line is greater than the maximum number supported by the generator hardware
Invalid pixel repetition value
The value specified by the NPPP (number of pixels per pixel) to set the repetition factor for
active lines is invalid.
Invalid pixel and clock values
The value specified by the NCPP (number of clocks per pixel) to set the number of clocks
per pixel is invalid.
Invalid embedded aspect ratio
The value specified by the EXAR (extended aspect ratio) parameter is invalid.
HDMI 5V pin is bad
The 5V pin of the HDMI connectors (Pin 18) is monitored by the generator. If the generator
does not detect the 5V on this pin it will issue this error.
Invalid specified border
The value specified for XLBW (left border width), XRBW (right border width), XTBH (top
border height), or XBBH (bottom border height) is invalid.
Invalid XAFD value
The value specified for the active format descriptor (XAFD) parameter was out of range.
Invalid SXEX value
The value specified by the signal from extended aperture map is invalid.