Grass Valley NV9000-SE v.5.0 User Manual
Page 93

NV9000-SE Utilities
User’s Guide
Write Configuration
The ‘Write Configuration’ button transfers configuration data from your PC to the active sys-
tem controller.
The button legend specifies to which control system the software will write. You are to infer
from the state of the controller buttons to which controller it will write (if you have a redun-
dant pair).
It is important to write the same configuration to both controllers of a redundant system.
Therefore it is important to know to which controller you are writing. See
Restart Controller 1, Restart Controller 2
There are two restart buttons, one for each controller.
A restart button causes the NV9000 software running in a controller to restart. A software
restart is generally required so that the NV9000 can load its new configuration data.
Therefore, every time you write a configuration to the controller, you should restart it.
If your system is redundant and you restart the active controller, the system will fail over to
the inactive controller. That is, the inactive controller will become active.
Start Controller 1, Start Controller 2
There are two start buttons, one for each controller.
If you have stopped the NV9000 software in a controller for any reason, the way to start it
again is to click the start button for that controller. (The start button will be disabled if the
software is already running.)
If your system is redundant and you start the NV9000 software in a controller, the other con-
troller will remain active if its software is running. If the other controller is stopped, the con-
troller you are starting becomes active.
Stop Controller 1, Stop Controller 2
There are two stop buttons, one for each controller.
Click a stop button to stop the NV9000 software in a controller.
If you stop the software in an active controller, the system fails over to the inactive controller
which then becomes active.
Reboot Controller 1, Reboot Controller 2
There are two reboot buttons, one for each controller.
Click a reboot button to reboot a controller. This causes a hardware restart of the entire con-
troller. (The NV9000 software will also start up in the process.)
Shutdown Controller 1, Shutdown Controller 2
There are two shutdown buttons, one for each controller.
Click a shutdown button to power down a controller.