Grass Valley NV9000-SE v.5.0 User Manual

Page 170

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Devices and Device Categories

Category Details Page

Use click, shift-click, and control-click techniques to select one or more of the devices in the
list of available devices.


This section allows you to choose one of 3 methods by which to add the devices you have
selected to the category’s device list.

In each of these cases, the devices are added to the category’s device list according to
the data in the ‘Index’ column of the category’s device list. It would be prudent to have
the ‘Index’ column visible when you add devices.

These are the 3 methods:


NV9000-SE Utilities adds the selected devices to the device list, starting at an index equal
to the highest existing index plus 1. For example, if you add 3 devices and the highest
index is 441, the new indexes are 442, 443, and 444.

Thus the new devices are appended with respect to to the index ordering.

Insert at Index

NV9000-SE Utilities adds the selected devices to the device list, starting at the index you
specify and displacing existing entries, therefore preserving them.

When you choose this option, the option section’s ‘Index’ field becomes enabled and
you must enter an index in this field. This is the index at which NV9000-SE Utilities starts
adding the selected devices to the category’s device list.

All the indexes of devices in the category’s device list at or above the index you specified
are increased by the number of devices you added. This increase allows room for the
new devices.

Thus the new devices are inserted at the specified index and the other indexes are
adjusted. For example, if you add two devices at index 5 and the category’s device list
has indexes

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 67,

the list becomes

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 69,

where 5 and 6 are the new entries.

Overwrite at Index

NV9000-SE Utilities adds the selected devices to the device list, starting at the index you
specify and overwriting existing entries.

When you choose this option, the option section’s ‘Index’ field becomes enabled and
you must enter an index in this field. This is the index at which NV9000-SE Utilities adds
the selected devices to the category’s device list.

The new devices overwrite existing devices, starting at the index you specify and con-
tinuing upward until all the new devices have been added to the list. Devices not over-
written retain their indexes.

Thus the new devices overwrite existing device data, starting at the specified index. For
example, if you add two devices at index 5 and the category’s device list has indexes

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 67,