Grass Valley NV9000-SE v.5.0 User Manual

Page 506

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Router Protocols

Supported Protocols

NV Ethernet

Ethernet connectivity between the NV9000 sys-
tem controller and all current Grass Valley routers
at 100MB/s.

CAT5E patch cord. (Do not use
a crossover cable.)

NV Master Control

Ethernet connection from the NV9000 system
controller to a Grass Valley master control sub-
system (NV5128-MC or NV5100MC) at 100MB/s.

CAT5E patch cord. (Do not use
a crossover cable.)

NV Compact Router

Ethernet connection from the NV9000 system
controller to all Grass Valley compact routers
(such as the CR1616-HD and CR3232-AES) at

(This protocol is UDP.)

CAT5E patch cord. (Do not use
a crossover cable.)

Virtual Router

Use this protocol to emulate a router using Grass
Valley’s NV Ethernet protocol.

This protocol is useful for developing a configura-
tion without an actual router.

(Status is lost every time the NV9000 is restarted.)

(None required.)

Utah RCP-1

An NVISION router can operate under a Utah con-
trol system using this protocol.

A properly configured Utah AVS2, SC1, SC2 or
PL320 controller is required.

Cabling depends on the Utah
controller model.

Jupiter ESBus

An NVISION router can operate under a Jupiter
control system using this protocol.

A properly configured VM3000 controller is

Operation using a serial port on an SI-3000 is not
recommended if the total controlled matrix space
exceeds 256 × 256.

DE9 crossover (or null
modem) cable required.

GVG Horizon TCI

An NVISION router can operate under a GVG Hori-
zon control system using this protocol.

An HX-GPI external controller running TCI proto-
col is required.

Please note the NV9000’s control point settings
for Horizon: S, ‹COM port›, 9600 baud, no parity, 8
data bits, 1 stop bit.

DE9 cable with non-standard

Probel Router

An NVISION router can operate under a Probel
control system using this protocol.

Varies by application. Consult
the Probel documentation.


An NVISION router can operate under a Pesa con-
trol system using this protocol.

A properly configured Pesa controller is required.

This connection is RS-232 using one of the ports
on the Pesa controller that is normally reserved
for the Pesa configuration PC. Pesa does not sup-
port an RS-422 interface.

DE9, with RS-232 pins Tx, Rx,
and ground (typically pins 2, 3
and 5).

The Pesa end must be wired
for RS-232 loopback.

Connect RTS to CTS and DTR
to DSR.

ISIS Serial

An NVISION router can operate under an ISIS con-
trol system using this protocol.

DE9 wired straight through.


