Basic device information, Sequence parameters, Resulting name range – Grass Valley NV9000-SE v.5.0 User Manual

Page 178

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Devices and Device Categories

‘Add Mutiple Devices’ Page

Basic Device Information

This section provides 3 basic fields:

Level Set. This field is required. The device definitions about to be created must belong to
one and only one level set.

Prefix. This field is the base name upon which device names are built, by appending a num-
ber to the base name. (A separator character can be placed between the base and the num-

Description. This field is optional and free-form. Use it to suit the purposes of your system.

Sequence Parameters

This section provides 4 fields:

Suffix start value

A suffix is a number in a sequence of numbers defined in this page.

Enter, in this field, the number at which the sequence starts.

Fill character

The fill character is the character that separates the sequence number from the base name.

The ‘Fill Character’ field is a drop-down list that allows you to choose one of the following fill


0 (zero)

- (hyphen)

_ (underbar)


The choice ‘none’ of course means that there is no separator character. The default character
is a space.

Number of devices

This field specifies the number of devices in the sequence.

Suffix width

This field specifies the number of characters devoted, in the new device names, to the suffix.
Enter a value large enough to accommodate the numbers of the sequence and the separa-
tor character.

For example, if your maximum number is 145 (3 digits), and the separator character is a
space, the suffix width should be 3+1, or 4.

The fill character fills all non-numeric positions in the suffix. For example, with a base name
of Dx, a suffix width of 5 a fill character of ‘-’, the device names are













and so on. The exception is that when the fill character is ‘none’ there is no filling at all.

Resulting Name Range

After you have entered values in the other fields of the page, this section displays the first and
last device names of the sequence that you are creating.

You can adjust the sequence parameters if the names are not properly formed.