Grass Valley NV9000-SE v.5.0 User Manual
Page 315

NV9000-SE Utilities
User’s Guide
The dialog has 3 navigation choices:
Jump to an empty new page.
This option creates a new page in the button tree. After the page is created, you can select it
at any time and edit its buttons.
Jump to an existing page.
This option does
not create a new page in the button tree. Operators will use the navigation
button you are creating to display the page you select in the associated drop-down menu.
Use “auto fill” to create a new button page.
NV9000-SE Utilities creates at least one new button page, filling the page(s) with button
functions according to the fill options you specify. Automatic fill has several suboptions:
Source buttons
Salvo buttons
Destination buttons
Source category buttons
Source/destination buttons
Destination category buttons
Quick source buttons
Button Page List
This section lists the pages of the button tree. It has 3 columns: Page Number, Page Name, and
“Link to Page Num(s).”
The button page at the top (or root) of the tree is called “Default.” Initially, the tree has just the
default page, until you add other pages.
This is a sample of a button page list:
It represents this tree structure:
During configuration, you will use ‘Navigate’ buttons to create new pages. During configuration,
you can double-click a ‘Navigate’ button to jump to its page.
1 Default
2 Router Sources
6 Router Dests
10 Random Sources
3 Prod Sources
5 TOC Sources
7 Prod Dests
8 TOC Dests