Take, Previous source, Pause – Grass Valley NV9000-SE v.5.0 User Manual
Page 412: Source lock

Salvo Editing Page
When you have checked the ‘All Levels’ option, the prototype for the ‘Take’ command is:
Take null to null on all levels
When you have unchecked the ‘All Levels’ option, the prototype for the ‘Take’ command is:
Take null on null to null on null
The syntax for the ‘Take’ command is
Take ‹source› on ‹src-level› to ‹destination› on ‹dest-level›
Take ‹source› to ‹destination› on all levels
Thus, you must choose a source device from the source list and a destination from the destina-
tion list to construct the command. If you have not chosen ‘All Levels’, you must also choose a
source level and a destination level.
When you choose all the items required for the command, all the “null” words will have been
replaced and the composition buttons become enabled. You can now add the command to the
Previous Source
When you have checked the ‘All Levels’ option, the prototype for the ‘Take’ command is:
Take the previous source to null on all levels
When you have unchecked the ‘All Levels’ option, the prototype for the ‘Take’ command is:
Take the previous source to null on null
The syntax for the ‘Previous Source’ command is
Take the previous source to ‹destination› on ‹dest-level›
Take the previous source to ‹destination› on all levels
You must choose a destination from the destination list to construct the command. If you have
not chosen ‘All Levels’, you must also choose a destination level.
When you have chosen the ‘Pause’ command, all the command options become disabled.
The prototype for the ‘Pause’ command is:
Pause for ‹nnn› milliseconds
where nnn is the value you entered in the ‘msec’ field. If you entered no value in the ‘msec’ field,
the prototype is
Pause for milliseconds
Note: after you enter a value in the ‘msec’ field, click the ‘Pause’ command again. Otherwise, the
salvo editor will not accept your millisecond value.
Source Lock
When you have checked the ‘All Levels’ option, the prototype for the ‘Source Lock’ command is:
Source Lock null on all levels