Orphaned physical connections’ query – Grass Valley NV9000-SE v.5.0 User Manual
Page 199

NV9000-SE Utilities
User’s Guide
For example, NV9000-SE Utilities suggests
You might want to choose a name more meaningful to your situation. The files actually
saved are
. and
where NV9000-SE Utilities appends “_Input” and “_Output” to the name you choose.
(NV9000-SE Utilities does not immediately show that the file type must be .csv. So remember
that the save is to a .csv file.)
The default file names collide with the default file names you might have generated from
the ‘Input Phys Conns’ page or the ‘Output Phys Conns’ page. Be careful not to overwrite
a file you want to preserve.
‘Orphaned Physical Connections’ Query
The ‘Orphaned Physical Connections’ page is found under the ‘Queries & Advanced Operations’
portion of the ‘Views’ pane. This is a sample of the page:
This page lists the ports that remain after certain database items with which the port was associ-
ated were deleted or changed. Such items include routers and level sets.
Your final configuration should show no entries in this table. If this table has entries, you will
probably want to delete the entries. However, you should review the entries carefully to under-
stand why the “orphans” exist and what, if anything, you might want to do to restructure your
Port List