Button definitions – Grass Valley NV9000-SE v.5.0 User Manual

Page 275

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NV9000-SE Utilities

User’s Guide

Regions of the Configuration Page

There are 3 main regions:

A graphic representation of the panel (NV9616 or NV9608).

At the left are the 16 (or 8) LCD button proxies. These represent either MD destinations or
salvos. You can click the line of text in the middle of this section to toggle between MD desti-
nation entry and salvo entry. The text changes accordingly:

At the right are the 24 function buttons. The 10 yellow buttons are fixed category buttons.
The other 14 function buttons are completely configurable.

Button definitions.

In this section, configurers make button assignments, using its pull-down menus and text
fields. See

Button Definitions

, following.

Panel options.

In this section, configurers may specify the behavioral characteristics of the panel. See the
NV9608/NV9616 User’s Guide for detailed information.

Button Definitions

The button definition section configures the button you have selected in the image of the

When you choose a button type, additional drop-down menus can appear, depending on the
button type, allowing you to further specify the button’s behavior. Available options and selec-
tions vary from button type to button type.

These are the button types available for NV9616 and NV9608 configurations:





Clear preset

Default state

Destination Lock

Destination Mode

Destination Protect

Free Source

Gang Take



Level Map

Load Preset


Name Set Toggle

Panel Lock

Preset Release

Previous Source


Save Preset


Source Master

Source Mode

Src/Dst Mode

XY/MD Mode

Note that other panels might have button types with the same names but that perform
different functions.