Window menu – Grass Valley NV9000-SE v.5.0 User Manual
Page 45

NV9000-SE Utilities
User’s Guide
This is the dialog:
Place a check in the ‘Redundant’ check box if your control system is a pair of system controllers.
Enter the name of the control system in the ‘Control System name’ field.
Enter the IP address of the first system controller in the first IP address field. If the control system
is redundant, also enter the IP address of the second system controller in the second field.
Click ‘Save and Dismiss’ to create an entry in the ‘System Management’ page and close the
Click ‘Save and Clear’ to create an entry in the ‘System Management’ page and keep the dialog
open so that you can create another control system.
Click ‘Cancel’ to close the dialog without creating another control system entry in the ‘System
Management’ page.
The control system entries you create appear as icons in the left side of the ‘System Manage-
ment’ page. The icons appear green when the actual control system is healthy, yellow when the
control system is partially healthy (and commounication with the control system can be estab-
lished) and red when communication cannot be established.
Window Menu
The ‘Window’ menu has two commands that refer to the visible configuration pages (or tabs):
These are the commands:
Close Active Tab
When you click ‘Close Active Tab’ — or Ctrl-F4 — NV9000-SE Utilities closes the active con-
figuration page. The active page is the one that is in the foreground among the configura-
tion pages that are displayed.
Close Inactive Tabs
When you click ‘Close Inactive Tabs’
or Ctrl-Shift-F4
NV9000-SE Utilities closes all the
inactive configuration pages. The active page is the one that is in the foreground among the
configuration pages that are displayed. Inactive pages are all the other pages.