Filters, Suffix choices, Device buttons – Grass Valley NV9000-SE v.5.0 User Manual

Page 168: Reindex all, Filters suffix choices device buttons

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Devices and Device Categories

Category Details Page


The device list has 9 filter fields.

The first filter, above the device mnemonic field, filters the device list on the basis of device
mnemonics. If a mnemonic does not begin with the text you type in the filter field, it is excluded
from the device list.

The other 8 filters apply to the 8 suffixes. If a suffix does not begin with the text you type in the
filter field in that suffix column, it is excluded from the device list.

(The more filters you apply, the more devices are excluded from the list.)

Suffix Choices

The device list is associated with a set of 8 suffix drop-down lists, one for each suffix column in
the device list:

This section lets you apply a set of suffixes to all selected devices in the category. It can save a
considerable amount of time compared to entering suffixes for all devices individually.

To use this section,

1 Use click, shift-click, and control-click techniques to select one or more devices in the device


2 Choose a suffix from the drop-down menu in each of the columns for which the selected

devices are to get suffixes.

3 Click the ‘Set’ button in the suffix section.

If a particular suffix is not available, you can create one by clicking the ‘Add Suffix’ button at the
bottom of the device list.

Device Buttons

Below the device list are 6 buttons associated with the devices in the list:

The device buttons affect the devices in the table, the suffixes used in the table, and how the
table is displayed.

There is a bug in the category details page: if your window is too narrow, some of the device-
related buttons do not appear.

Reindex All

This button produces a new set of indexes for the devices that are displayed in the device list.
Devices that are not displayed are not affected. The indexes are consecutive integers in the order
of the entries in the list.

You can impose a filter on the list reducing the number of displayed devices and you can reorder
the list on the basis of the data in any column of the list by clicking on the column header. Click
once to obtain an ascending order; click again to obtain a descending order.

Whatever devices are displayed, in whatever ordering, are then assigned consecutive indexes.