Other nv9602 functions, Single-destination mode, Single-destination mode with breakaway – Grass Valley NV9000-SE v.5.0 User Manual

Page 244: Limited x-y mode, Multi-destination mode

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Control Panels


The panel’s set of button functions varies with the mode.

The modes (or behavioral models) are determined at configuration. The operator cannot switch
between different modes.

The NV9604 control panel can operate as an extension of the NV9602. See



page 232.

Single-Destination Mode

In single destination mode, the panel’s destination is configured as the default destination and
there are no destination buttons. Takes occur as soon as a source button is pressed. (There is no
‘Take’ button function.)

Takes are performed on all levels.

Single-Destination Mode with Breakaway

This mode is an extension of single-destination mode that includes level buttons on the panel.

Again, the single destination is configured as the default destination. There are no destination
buttons and there is no ‘Take’ button.

Limited X-Y Mode

In limited X-Y mode, takes occur from a single source to a single selectable destination.

Takes are all level. Pressing a source button completes the take. There is no ‘Take’ button.

Multi-Destination Mode

In this mode, source buttons are configured with destinations as well as sources. Thus, each
source button completes a route to an individual destination.

There is no ‘Take’ button. Takes are all-level.

Secondary Modes

Additional but secondary modes of panel operation are:

Setup mode

where the NV9602 is freshly powered up, but disconnected from the net-

work. In this mode, you can set the panel ID and perform a few diagnostic tasks.

Menu mode

pressing a menu button places the NV9602 in “menu” mode. In menu mode,

the buttons lose their normal functions and become part of a menu that changes as needed
during menu operation.

Source mode

(in limited X-Y mode only) allows ‘Source/Destination’ buttons to select


Destination mode

(in limited X-Y mode only) allows ‘Source/Destination’ buttons to select


Other NV9602 Functions

The NV9602 can perform the following additional functions:

System salvos.

Broadcast data routing.