Buttons – Grass Valley NV9000-SE v.5.0 User Manual
Page 521

NV9000-SE Utilities
User’s Guide
Disabled. Operators may not lock outputs.
Shared Control. The field has a drop-down menu. Its choices are
True. Control of this physical level is shared by more than one system controller. This option
informs the system controller that another control system is connected to this physical level.
That is to say, another control system is connected to the router control card and that it can
initiate crosspoint changes. (The NV9000 software will not log unexpected changes as
False. Control of this physical level is restricted to the system controller using this configura-
tion. If you select ‘False’, the NV9000 software retains exclusive access to this physical level
and does not permit crosspoint changes that it does not initiate.
Chop Interval. Certain routers support “chop” which is test function where the current
source and the preset source are rapidly alternated at the destination. The chop interval is
the rate of chop in switches per second. The default value is 6.
Signal Type. This field has a drop-down menu. Its choices are:
‘XY or standard’. Choose this for most video and audio routers.
‘NVISION Machine Control’. Choose this for NVISION series machine control routers.
‘NVISION Profile’. This is an artificial signal type that allows a virtual router (a router that uses
virtual protocol) to represent an external system that, for one reason or another, cannot exe-
cute takes using the ports configured for routers in the NV9000 system.
Name. This is the physical level’s name.
Virtual Crosspoint Count. This field contains the number of virtual crosspoints defined for
the physical level in the router details configuration page.
‘Virtual Crosspoints Def Input’. This field contains the default input for virtual crosspoints
defined for the physical level in the router details configuration page.
Although you can edit the entries in the physical levels table, it is unwise to do so unless you
know what you are doing.
At the bottom of the page are 5 buttons:
Click ‘Add’ to add a physical level to the table. NV9000-SE Utilities creates a new row at the
bottom of the router list in which you can enter physical level data.
(The ID is generated by NV9000-SE Utilities.)
Select one or more rows in the ‘PhysLevels’ table and click ‘Delete’ to remove those levels
from the table.
NV9000-SE Utilities deletes the levels immediately and without warning.
Click ‘Save’ to commit (make permanent) the changes you have made in the page.
Revert to Saved
Click ‘Revert to Saved’ to restore the saved version of the physical levels table, discarding any
changes you have made (since the last save).