Layout – Grass Valley NV9000-SE v.5.0 User Manual
Page 23

NV9000-SE Utilities
User’s Guide
After you launch NV9000-SE Utilities, you will see that its window has several sections:
The title bar shows the revision number of NV9000-SE Utilities and the name of the configura-
tion that you are viewing or editing.
The work area can contain many tabbed work “pages.” Click on the tab of one of the open pages
to bring it to the foreground. You can click the “×” of a tab to close that page.
The navigation area consists of 4 panes:
System Management.
Click on the title of one of the panes and it expands open and the other panes collapse shut. The
entries in each of the panes represent work pages. Click on the entry in the pane to open the
work page. For example, click ‘Routers’ in the Configuration pane to open the routers page (as
shown in the illustration above).
Many work pages have buttons arrayed at the bottom of the page that open other work pages.
For example, in the illustration above, the routers page has an ‘Add Router’ button that opens a
page in which you can start the definition a router to be added to the configuration.
Title Bar
Menu Bar