Grass Valley NV9000-SE v.5.0 User Manual

Page 386

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Control Panels


This is the EC9710 configuration page, as it appears for the configuration of a primary-level

At the bottom of the page are 3 important buttons: ‘Revert to Saved’, ‘Save’, and “Save & Close’.
The ‘Save’ button commits modifications you have just made. The ‘Revert to Saved’ button
restores the last saved version of the panel configuration, canceling any changes you just made.
‘Save & Close’ saves the panel configuration and dismisses the page.

In addition to those buttons, the page has 3 main sections, identified by numbers above:

1 GUI options

This is the section in which you choose the display type: multi-level or primary level. If you
choose a primary level display, the ‘Number of Columns’ field becomes enabled. In this field,
specify the number of destination-source pairs that will be displayed in a row of the display.

2 Device lists

The section has two lists and 3 buttons.

The list on the left shows available devices. The list on the right (‘Selected Devices’) shows
the devices that the GUI will show when it is running.

Initially, the ‘Selected Devices’ list is empty. You can add devices to this list and remove
devices from this list with the buttons of the section.