Grass Valley NV9000-SE v.5.0 User Manual

Page 172

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Devices and Device Categories

Category Details Page

Alphabetic suffixes are acceptable. For example, the device mnemonic ‘CAM 7ABC’ results in
4 suffixes.

Names are ill-conditioned if they contains two or more separator characters such as space or
underbar. The software stops generating suffixes when it encounters the duplicate separa-

The device names generated by NV9000-SE Utilities’ ‘Add Multiple Devices’ page sequence
are all well-conditioned, consisting of a base name, a separator character, and a sequence

When you click the ‘Auto-Fill Suffixes’ button, NV9000-SE Utilities displays a dialog in which you
can specify how NV9000-SE Utilities should parse device names:

The dialog presents two methods:

Parse by prefix

When you choose this method, the dialog’s data field is a ‘Prefix’ text box.

The parser tests each device name against the prefix you specify in the dialog’s data field. If
the name matches, the parser extracts each non-separator character from the remainder of
the device name and makes those characters the suffixes for the device.

This method has the side effect of excluding devices having other prefixes. Excluded devices
remain unchanged.

Parse by fill character

When you choose this method, the dialog’s data field is a ‘Fill Character ’ drop-down list.

The parser searches each device name for the “fill character” you specify in the dialog’s data
field. (Fill character also means separator character.)

If the name contains the specified separator character, the parser extracts each alphanu-
meric character from the remainder of the device name and makes those characters the suf-
fixes for the device. However, if it finds another separator character (of any kind) it stops the
extraction immediately.

The ‘Fill Character’ field

a drop-down list

allows you to choose one of the following fill



0 (zero)

- (dash or hyphen)

_ (underline or underbar)


This method has no particular side effects. Only those devices that contain the specified sep-
arator character are affected. Other devices remain unchanged.

After you have specified a method, click ‘OK’ to execute the auto-fill. Otherwise, click ‘Cancel’.

Parse by prefix

Parse by fill character