Metrohm viva 1.0 (process analysis) User Manual

Page 990

background image





viva 1.0 (for Process analysis)

Comment ................. 101, 147
Create new ...................... 129
Data import ................ 99, 145
Edit .................................. 944
Edit (Properties) .......... 96, 142
Edit sample data ............... 131
Editing .............................. 124
Functions ......................... 124
Load ......................... 130, 944
Lock editing ................ 96, 142
Process ....................... 97, 143
Properties ......................... 138

Workplace ................................ 71

Close .................................. 82

Create new ........................ 80
Curves .............................. 157
Definition ........................... 71
Display individually ............. 81
Display next to one another 81
Display one above the other
........................................... 82
Edit .................................... 80
Functions ........................... 75
General .............................. 71
Live display subwindow .... 150
Menu bar ........................... 71
Method subwindow ......... 147
Properties ........................... 80

Report subwindow ........... 173
Run subwindow ............... 107
Select ................................. 81
Subwindow ........................ 74
Toolbar .............................. 74
User interface ................. 9, 71
View .................. 77, 182, 646

XML export

Overview .......................... 247
Selection .......................... 242