2 changing the layout – Metrohm viva 1.0 (process analysis) User Manual
Page 195
4 Database
viva 1.0 (for Process analysis)
Changing the layout
Defining the number, arrangement and sequence of the subwindows
for the current view.
Saving a view
Saving the current view.
Loading a view
Loading a saved view.
Renaming a view
Renaming a saved view.
Deleting a view
Deleting a saved view.
Saving automatically
The current view will be saved automatically when the program is closed if
the corresponding option is activated under Save on closing in the Con-
figuration program part under Tools
▶ Options... on the Save tab.
Loading automatically
By default, the view that is saved when the program is closed will be loa-
ded automatically the next time that the program is opened. As an alter-
native, a default view that is loaded automatically the first time that the
program part is opened can be defined for each user group.
By default, views are opened with the following subwindows with the
very first program start:
Run, Method, Live display 1, Curves 1
Determination overview, Curves 1, Information, Results
Devices, Solutions, Dosing units, Sensors/Electrodes
Views can also be exported and imported. In this way these views can be
exchanged between different client/server systems.
Changing the layout
Dialog window: Workplace / Database / Configuration
▶ View ▶ Change lay-
▶ Change layout
The Change layout dialog window is opened with the symbol or the
▶ Change layout... menu item.
Select layout
Selection of a graphical symbol for the number and arrangement of the
'Selection of the possible combinations'